从芬兰赫尔辛基开往俄罗斯圣彼得堡的列车上,化了妆的弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁(史楚金 Boris Shchukin 饰)和他的忠诚卫土瓦西里既兴奋又忐忑,兴奋的是结束了流放的列宁要回到祖国领导工人阶级举行武装起义,推翻沙皇统治,建立苏维埃社会主义联高清正版视频。忐忑的是沙皇退位后新兴的资产阶级政权受到十几个帝国主义国家的支持,武装爆动必将困难重重。临时政府雇了密探四处搜捕列宁,都没有成功。中央委员会...
From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over the...
Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns ...
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